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Shopping Ads now in Greece!

The way we advertise products on Google has changed! Show your products via the new Google tool and increase your sales!

Online shopping is now the fastest and easiest means of shopping. Shopping Ads, having hitherto been highly successful in 94 countries, have come to Greece and are already highly competitive. According to recent Google surveys, Shopping Ads receive 60% of clicks. Therefore, if you own an online store, you need to know:

What are they;

This is a type of ad that is based on the keyword the user is looking for and appears at the top of all results. This gives the user a representative view of the product they wish to purchase as they are immediately informed about the price of the product in various stores. Their main difference with search ads is that the product we advertise is visualized and gives us a summary of the most important information.

Where and how do they appear?

You will find them by searching the Google search engine, above all organic results, other Google ads, and maps. You can also find them on the Display Network (e.g. YouTube) or on the Google Shopping tab, a marketplace that compares prices and features of various stores.

Here's how they appear on search ads and the Shopping tab:

Shopping Ads Shopping Ads

Which are the benefits of Shopping Ads?

  • Complete a purchase in fewer clicks, since the user has already gathered the information that interests him beforehand.
  • The high click-through-rate (CTR) that this particular type of ad presents has resulted in a cost-per-click cost reduction resulting in increased sales at less cost.

Are ads that are already running affected?

Shopping Ads have been available in many countries for some time. In these countries there has been an increase in the cost of search ads. When the competition for a particular product is high, a simple search ad may not even show up in search results. Therefore, no matter what the size of your business, Shopping Ads undoubtedly help make your e-shop more effective.

Contact us and find out how to increase your eshop sales with Shopping Ads, the new feature that Google gives us.