Tour of Ioannina Lake started in 2007 by Poseidon Athletic Club, under the enactment of major sporting events in Ioannina. Nine 30km races have been completed so far and this year the 10th Ioannina Lake Run is taking place.
We developed a modern, elegant and user friendly website, to promote the race and present the sponsors who support it.
We developed a special web application for online registration of the runners and in order to automate the printing process of the special timing chips used during the race. The application lets runners complete either individual or group entries and then automatically calculates the total cost of their participation.
Visitors of the website can be informed of the race's programme and route, and be updated on the events that will take place during the race.
The website presents the history of the route, information of the organizer, winners of previous races, useful information on accommodation and access for runners in Ioannina and a lot of photographs and videos to browse at.
Website is based on wapp's custom content management system and it's design aimed to compatibility with smartphones and tablets, making use of all the latest techniques in web development.