BSP Agroenergy, based in Lamia, operates in the energy industry for over 20 years, having performed numerous projects not only in the domestic market but also in foreign markets. Company’s exact location can be found though interactive Google Maps.
Visitors of the website can be informed about company, provided services and projects that have been implemented. It is also possible to fill in an online contact form.
The website we created is dynamic, as we embedded wapp's content management system. Having created the dynamic website website’s administrators can edit and update the content of each sub page.
It is also based on responsive web design technologies, so that the website can adapt on different screen sizes of mobile phones, tablets, notebook and desktop computers. This way all website visitors have the same user experience, regardless of how they access it.
Particular care has been taken in relation to on site SEO, so that via the content management system, every single page automatically sends all necessary information that search engines need.